The Penmanship of Ajit Kumar Das

Who is artist Ajit Kumar Das?

Ajit Kumar Das (b. 1957) is an Indian textile artist dabbling in natural dye painting. Born to washermen, he quickly learnt the diverse treatment of cloth. He was a block painter in the Weaver’s Service Centre, Kolkata. Ajit Kumar Das's artistic talent are showcased in London, Delhi, and Canada.

Ajit Kumar Das Artistic Sensibilities

Ajit Kumar Das' artistic prowess is magnificently showcased via a bamboo reed on fabric, alternatively known as a ‘kalam.’ The knowledge of indigenous natural dye and their application imbue upon the subject's abstract cultural paraphernalia. He modernized Kalamkari via his contemporary subjects - nature, birds, and abstract.

The Art of Hand Painted Textiles

Ajit Kumar Das’s artist subject not only includes flora and fauna but also bold abstract forms - a mix between calligraphy and patterns. He painted the pictures in natural dyes using a ‘kalam’ on a cotton surface.


Ajit Kumar Das was hooked onto the use of lines to create solid impenetrable boundaries. The sense of boundaries permeates into the choice of subjects as well. The primary theme indicates a euphoric equilibrium.