Who Invented Trigonometry?

Trigonometry's origins are difficult to pinpoint, but it was developed by Hellenistic mathematicians like Hipparchus of Nicaea in the 2nd century BC. He invented the trigonometry table and is considered the father of trigonometry. His significant contributions make his work in the field indistinguishable.

Hipparchus, an ancient Greek mathematician and astronomer, made significant contributions to astronomy and mathematics, including the development of a trigonometric system, chords, and the first known solar system model.

In the 4th-5th century AD, India made significant trigonometric developments, with five 'Siddhāntas' detailing the relationship of sine and angle. Mathematician Aryabhatta expanded on these, resulting in 'Aryabhatia' around 510 AD. His tables provided accurate definitions of sine and versine, making him the inventor of trigonometry in India.

Aryabhata, an ancient Indian mathematician and astronomer, made significant contributions to mathematics and astronomy, including zero, decimal place-value systems, and trigonometry, which were crucial for calculating planetary positions and eclipses.