The Architects' Messiah: Piloo Mody

Piloo Mody was an Indian author-architect and the founding member of the Swatantra Party. The Piloo Mody College of Architecture is named in his honour. In 1953, he established his firm, 'Mody and Colgan.'

Piloo Mody designed the Oberoi Hotel in New Delhi, alongside Durga Bajpai. He recalled international architectural traditions, before settling on precast structural beams, slabs, balcony railings, and louvres

Piloo Mody designed the original Juhu Hotel as a chalet-style building (high-pitched roofs and overhanging eaves) with a wooden roof truss, from where the bars were hung on the mezzanine levels.

Piloo Mody played a pivotal role in passing the 1972 Architects Act. With the Act, the architect community and their profession were officially recognised and were given legal sanctions, protocols, and regulations.