LGBTQIA Artists of India

21 May 2024

Bhupen Khakhar

Bhupen Khakhar's often openly homosexual themes were startling, as LGBTQIA rights and identity and expression had barely gathered any mainstream notice in this era.

Sunil Gupta

Sunil Gupta's photos traverse themes of sexual identity, migration, race and family.

Kalki Subramaniam

Kalki Subramaniam's visual art mostly comprises portraits awash with rainbow colours, featuring figurative art meshing with pop art.

Uttam Chitrakar

Uttam Chitrakar is known for revolutionising the street-side pat paintings of Kalighat by introducing queer and transgender elements into traditional art.

Durga Gawde

Durga Gawde's art chronicles their journey with their body and identity; their art is an honest and pathbreaking insight into queerness.

Sandeep TK

Photographer Sandeep TK is a celebration of the natural beauty of Kerala, the human body, race, and region. He brings appealing compositions, representing the trans community representation.

Anwesh Sahoo

Anwesh Sahoo prides himself as a visual artist and designer, sketching fashion-oriented sketches that defy sartorial gender norms. He is known for his series, ‘Mermen of Colour.'

T Praveen Kumar

Bengaluru-based artist T Praveen Kumar has a gritty take on the artistic depiction of queerness. These sketches and watercolours tend to take on darker hues and contemplative portraits.

Priya Dali

Queer Indian artist Priya Dali has been in the news for exploring sexual identity through the uncommon mechanism of a comic book.

Veer Misra

Artist Veer Misra takes up a rose-tinted look at the world of queerness in art, quite literally awash with shades of pink, depicting unabashed love in all its glorious avatars.

Opashona Ghosh

Opashona Ghosh’s art is unapologetic and has a modernist pop culture vibe meshing with surrealist depictions, exploring mental and sexual health, and club culture.