Akbar’s Pictorial Ramayana

Andre Gennie

21 September 2024

23 September 2024

Mandodari approaches her husband, Ravana.

Rama and Laksmana confront the demons Marica and Subahu.

Atikaya, a son of Ravana.

Rama receives Sugriva and Jambavat, the Vanara kings.

Rama slays the demon Trishiras.

Ravana converses with Mahajambunada.

Ravana seizes Sita by the hair to abduct her to Lanka.

Sita shies away from Hanuman, believing he is Ravana in disguise.

The death of King Dasharatha, the father of Rama.

Vanaras help Rama build a bridge.

Vishwamitra brings Rama and Lakshmana to his hermitage.