Biggest Libraries in the World

11 July 2024

1. British Library

The British Library, London is the national library of the United Kingdom. An estimated 170–200 million items from various nations, numerous languages, and diverse formats are included in it.

2. Library of Congress

The Library of Congress (LOC), Washington, DC is a research library that functions as the de facto national library of the United States. It has about 173 million items in its collections.

3. Shanghai Library

The Shanghai Library is Shanghai, China's municipal library. With 57 million items, the Shanghai Library has an extensive and diverse collection

4. New York Public Library

The New York Public Library (NYPL), New York City is a public library system. Having 92 locations and almost 55 million items, it is the second-largest library in the country.

5. Library and Archives Canada

The Library and Archives Canada was established in 2004 as a merger between the National Archives and the National Library of Canada. Its collections contain 54 million items in total.

6. Russian State Library

Russian State Library, Moscow is one of three national libraries in Russia. Vladimir Shchuko and Vasily Bazhenov designed it in 1862. The Russian State Library is estimated to hold 48.1 million items.

7. National Diet Library

Japan's national library is called the National Diet Library (NDL). There are over 44.1 million items in its collection.

8. German National Library

Germany's primary national bibliographic hub and archival library is the German National Library (DNB). It has more than 43.7 million items in its collection.

9. National Library of China

China's national library, called the National Library of China (NLC), is situated in Beijing. The collection of the National Library of China towers at 43.27 million items.

10. Royal Danish Library

The State and University Library and the Royal Library, the two national libraries, merged in 2017 to form the Royal Danish Library. The Royal Danish Library has an extensive collection of 42.5 million items.