Illustrating Rock Cycle Drawing

29 August 2024

Rock Cycle Drawing

With a rock cycle drawing you visualize how different rocks transform over geological time. An educational tool, it illustrates the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.

1. Igneous Rock Drawing

Igneous rock drawing focuses on rocks (basalt & granite) formed from molten material. To make igneous rock stone drawings capture its rough and grainy texture using shades of grey, black, or red.

2. Sedimentary Rocks Drawing

Sedimentary rocks drawing represents rocks (sandstone, shale, & limestone) formed through the compact accumulation of sediments.

3. Metamorphic Rock Drawing

Metamorphic Rock Drawing depicts transformed rocks (marble & schist) via heat and pressure. To make a rock cycle drawing easy, illustrate the banding or foliation with shades to show mineral deposits.