Inside Hana Textile Design Studio

Andre Gennie

27 September 2024

About Hana Mitsui

Hana Mitsui was born on 6 March 1990 in New Haven, Connecticut, United States. She earned a master's at the Royal College of Art, London. In 2022, she established Hana Textile Design Studio in Tokyo.

Hana Mitsui is redefining the norms with her fashion-cum-art sensibilities. Thus far, she has collaborated with numerous fashion houses and brands such as North Face & Toyota Tsusho Corporation.

Hana Mitsui combines tradition and modernity as she seeks to rediscover the essence of Japanese design heritage for contemporary contexts.

Monpe - "Hana Mitsui Hana no Yuragi"

Hana Mitsui, in collaboration with the weaving company, Shimokawa Orimono and the local cultural trading company Unagi no Nebukuro, designed a new fabric specifically for the Kurume Kasuri style.

This collection is based on the theme of fluctuation. The woven fabric has a wavering look created by slightly shifting the warp and weft threads during the weaving, dying, and tying processes.

Original Sakiori

Hana Mitsui created the “Original Sakiori" method. Made of fabric waste, Mitsui pays homage to the technical complexities of the traditional Sakiori methods’ rag-weaving aspect rooted in her culture.

Hana Mitsui uses upcycling, weaving, and wefting techniques to create a yarn that is fashioned into elaborate ‘Ikat’ designs; commentary on the humungous amount of waste produced by the fashion industry.

Leftover fabric is finely chopped into weft threads and subsequently woven into fabrics for use in handicrafts and industrial weaving.