Sun Temple Konark Architecture Design

30 July 2024

The temple is located on the coast of Orissa, a few km north-east of Puri. The word ‘Konark’ is made of two words - ‘kona’ (corner) and ‘arka’ (sun), signifying the angular plan.

The square ground (857ft x 540ft) consists of an assembly hall and sanctuary (mandapa). ‘Shikhara’ is a curvilinear tower with an elevation cap and slopes inward.

The three main components are the dual ‘jagamohana,’ (assembly hall) ‘vimana’ (sanctuary housing the deity), and the ‘nritya-mandapa’ (dancing hall).

They are covered by the ‘shikhara.’ The latter is built on recessed platforms known as ‘pidhas’ and has a pyramidal roof. The string cornices are divided into three tiers by high recesses.

They hold life-size standing figures of women in dancing poses, playing musical instruments like drums, flutes, vina, and cymbols; the customs of the devadasis offering dances during arati.

Exterior projections called ‘rathas’ or ‘pagas’ create a variety of light and shadow effects on the exterior. It did not have a ‘bhoga-mandapa‘(offering hall).

It was called the ‘pancha-ratha-dekha deul’ as each of its facades has five tiny projections that break the surface to create an illusion of one continuous verticle line, or ‘Rekha,’.

The main Konark temple is the pancha-ratha. The ‘vimana,’ and the ‘jagamohana,’ are situated on the same plinth. On each of its four sides are four doorways.

Apart from the western one, which leads to ‘antarala’ (inner sanctum), the others lead to the porches outside. The interior is bare except for a 5ft (1.5m) ornamental chlorite block that rests on the sides and top.

There were a few stones positioned in the back wall above the inner sanctum that could be ascended.

The inner core and the foundation for the Sun Temple Konark were constructed by Bishu Maharana with laterite stones. The superstructure is made with sandstone blocks (about 30 m), and fastened with iron cramps.

They feature complementary colours,  shielded by a thin layer of shell-lime plaster. The peak of the temple is made of 52 tons of magnets, seldom making the main idols.