21 September 2024

Andre Gennie

Urban Vertical Gardens in Space Saving Architecture

In an era where urbanization is rapidly increasing, urban vertical gardens are becoming a popular solution for creating green spaces in limited areas.

These innovative gardens utilize vertical space to grow plants, making them ideal for urban environments where traditional gardening may be impractical.

In addition, the agricultural sector is also taking notes with aeroponic solutions which have let go of soil, and crops are grown in suspended mid-air.

Urban vertical garden is a gardening technique that involves growing plants vertically on walls, trellises, and even on the side of a building. Saving space, the approach allows plants to flourish in confined spaces.

Urban vertical gardens may entail numerous plant species, herbs (mint, rosemary), succulents, flowers, ferns, & vegetables, and are often designed to enhance the aesthetic appeal; considered a living mural.