
11 Most Famous Paintings of Tintoretto

Masterpieces of Jacopo Tintoretto

Most renowned for his dynamic compositions and groundbreaking handling of light and shadow, Jacopo Tintoretto was a significant figure in the Venetian Renaissance. His art, marked by emotional expression and a commitment to telling stories visually, leaves him as a “key artist in the history of visual arts,” according to Reactionibn. Arguably some of his most famous works include, The Last Supper, Crucifixion and Saint George and the Dragon which showcased his ability to imbue traditional themes with vibrancy and movement. Tintoretto, Susanna and the Elders, and The Resurrection of ChristTintoretto was involved in a long process of making visual representations of the many stories held within the Bible or mythology which provides viewers to find themselves plunged into significant moments in religious history and heroism. In addition to those major works, his oeuvre consists of a varied assortment of masterpieces including The Adoration of the Shepherds and The Origin of the Milky Way. This is the legacy that Tintoretto left behind with his innovative and visually stunning artworks having a lasting impression on people, solidifying him as one of the great leading inventors in Renaissance art.

1. The Last Supper

Lighting on dramatic angles, with a style of movement attached to using brushstrokes that are less refined in areas create a very dark and violent scene portraying the final meal Jesus Christ attended with his disciples.

Last Supper| painting by Tintoretto for the basilica of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice| Courtesy:wiki

2. Crucifixion

One of the most striking images of Christ on the Cross is so dramatic, in perspective and expression, conveying deep agony combined with angelic intervention.

Crucifixion of Jesus | Courtesy: Wiki

3. Saint George and the Dragon

St George slaying the dragon (detail), a powerful composition full of movement and bright colors, depicts Saint George in all his heroism defeating the scourging reptile.

Saint George and the Dragon (Tintoretto)| Courtesy: Wikipedia

4. Susanna and the Elders

A powerful modern take on the tale of Susanna in the Bible, with an emphasis on the voyeurism of the elders and her agonising youth.

Susanna and the Elders Courtesy: Wikipedia

5. Baptism of Christ

A dramatic representation of the Baptism where Tintoretto brilliantly displays his use of light and dynamic composition.

Baptism of Christ (Tintoretto, Venice)| Courtesy: Wikipedia

6. Moses Striking the Rock

This piece cheese is exactly the moment of Moses smiting the rock, creating water for the Israelities to survive filtered through motion and divine presence energy.

Tintoretto Moses Striking the Rock anagoria| Courtesy: Courtesy: wiki

7. The Resurrection of Christ

A lively and robust image of Christ triumphing in the Resurrection with a cosmic second coming spin.

The Resurrection of Christ – Tintoretto| Courtesy: wikiart

8. The Adoration of the Shepherds

A nativity in the round to display the quiet awe and devotion of the shepherds before Christ, bathed in a soft glow.

Jacopo Tintoretto – The Adoration of the Shepherds| Courtesy: Wiki

9. Tarquin and Lucretia

Here, the tense, emotional story of Tarquin and Lucretia is brought to dramatic life through paint.

Tintoretto – Tarquin and Lucretia – 1949| Courtesy: wikipedia

10. The Miracle of the Slave

Tintoretto reveals his typical intensity and vividness in this dramatic work which illustrates Saint Mark saving a slave.

Miracle of the Slave (Tintoretto)| Courtesy: Wiki

11. The Origin of the Milky Way

A visionary, dynamic mythological composition of the birth of the Milky Way religious conception rendered with cosmic grandeur and Tintoretto ‘s vigorous style.

The Origin of the Milky Way| Courtesy: Wikipedia