
India’s only daily art newspaper

May 2021

Christie\’s puts feminist twist on NFT + IRL art, LA-based billionaire art philanthropist dies, and more news

A SUMMARY OF THE MOST EXCITING ART NEWS FROM AROUND THE GLOBE While we focus on Indian art, we can’t obviously function in a vacuum. It’s a small world and everything is connected, especially on the web. So, let’s train our spotlight across the world map to see what’s going on — from art trends

Christie\’s puts feminist twist on NFT + IRL art, LA-based billionaire art philanthropist dies, and more news Read More »

This could be a bit disturbing: Hans Holbein\’s portrayal of mortality through a macabre visual puzzle

Adversity is also a mother of art. The Pothi team brings to you some of the macabre and some solace in the form a beautiful farewell song. At first look, The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein the Younger seems like a regular painting of its time. But look at little closer, and the subtle macabre of

This could be a bit disturbing: Hans Holbein\’s portrayal of mortality through a macabre visual puzzle Read More »