
50 Years of Tiger Project and an Artist’s Expression

Ved Prakash Bhardwaj


It is not seen that any contemporary artist takes the creative initiative regarding any government project, although a lot is done for the promotion of their project at the government level. This year marks 50 years of Project Tiger. How many tigers could be saved in these 50 years, this question is in its place, but there is no doubt that it is necessary to save Tiger to keep the life of the forest in balance. A solo exhibition of Kolkata’s young artist Bappa Bhowmick was held in Kolkata recently on this Tiger Project. This exhibition included drawings and paintings made on postcards, diary pages, LP records, and on other papers.

Tiger appears angry in Bappa’s artworks. He is angry because human interference has increased in his home. After all, humans have put their existence in danger. In some of the drawings, the tiger is missing its skin, which is a sign that the identity of the tiger is disappearing. The upcoming generation will probably be able to see Tiger only in photos or videos.

Artwork by Bappa Bhowmick

Bappa Bhowmick has always focused his art on a unique message for society. His artwork is evidence of his dedication to raising awareness about the need to preserve the Sunderban. Bappa Bhowmick has continually worked to promote conservation through his artistic endeavours, emphasizing that the Sunderban is home to a wide variety of animals in addition to Royal Bengal Tigers. He focuses on how deeply entwined nature is with our lives and stresses how we cannot afford to wipe out the environment of Sunderban. Instead, we must take care of and safeguard it for the benefit of our own lives as well as the lives of present and future generations.

Artwork by Bappa Bhowmick

Bappa Bhowmick’s artwork serves as a timely reminder of the value of safeguarding and preserving our wildlife as India marks the 50th anniversary of the “Tiger Project,” a program started by then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on 1st April 1973 at Jim Corbett National Park. His artwork highlights the Sunderbans’ distinct beauty and everything that it has to offer. His works demonstrate the unquestionable riches that a healthy ecosystem can deliver, from the lush vegetation to the beautiful tigers to the variety of aquatic life. The artwork of Bappa Bhowmick serves as a reminder that the Sunderban is an important component of our natural heritage that we should preserve and maintain rather than just a resource to be exploited.

Artwork by Bappa Bhowmick

Tigers are icons that represent strength and magnificence. A Tiger is just not a charismatic species or just another wild animal in a forest but is an indicator of the well-being of our ecosystem. By saving Tigers we save numerous species but without saving their habitat we cannot save Tigers. With the extinction of the Tiger, the entire ecosystem will collapse.

Bappa Bhowmick’s contributions to conservation and raising awareness of the Sunderban have not gone unnoticed. His works have been featured in numerous exhibitions and galleries, drawing attention from audiences from all corners. His message for saving the Sunderban has brought forth a new light, one that calls for urgent action toward the conservation of the ecosystem, leaving behind a rich and protected natural heritage for future generations.

Artwork by Bappa Bhowmick

The exhibits will showcase the magnificence of the striped beauty through his artistic insight into different mediums and formats. From the lush green mangroves to its diversity, Bappa has tried to portray unlimited beauty. The show is a reminder for all that our natural resources are not mere exhibits or things that are to be exploited but this heritage that we inherit is an essential part of our existence.