
On This Day

Two iconic moments for art

April 8, On This Day A master is lost It is an undeniably historic day for the world of art, as April 8, 1973, is when Pablo Picasso died of heart failure. This Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and theatre designer is one of the most popular names in art even today. He is known

Two iconic moments for art Read More »

When Georgia O\’Keeffe was presented to the world by a man who brought Modern art to America

This is the day that brought the great artist Georgia O’Keeffe before the world. In 1917 Alfred Stieglitz opened the first one-person show of O’Keeffe\’s work at 291 art gallery in New York. Modern Art came to America because of Stieglitz. It wasn’t a Rockefeller or a Guggenheim, but just a kid from Hoboken, New

When Georgia O\’Keeffe was presented to the world by a man who brought Modern art to America Read More »

Birth of a master of anti-capitalist, surreal works

April 3, On This Day Developed in reaction to World War I, the Dada movement consisted of artists who rejected the logic, reason, and aestheticism of modern capitalist society, instead expressing nonsense, irrationality, and anti-bourgeois protest in their works. German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet Max Ernst was a primary pioneer of Dadaism, and

Birth of a master of anti-capitalist, surreal works Read More »