While we focus on Indian art, we can’t obviously function in a vacuum. It’s a small world and everything is connected, especially on the web. So, let’s train our spotlight across the world map to see what’s going on — from art trends to socio-political issues to everything that affects the great aesthetic global consciousness. Or, let’s just travel the world and have some fun!
Sale of Glitch art by Sotheby postponed after artists complain about all-male sale

Courtesy- Art News
Sotheby’s paused its “Glitch-ism” auction Sunday, days after its March 24 launch, after prominent glitch artists pointed out that the auction, held by Sotheby’s digital art marketplace Metaverse, didn’t have a single woman artist represented. “Sotheby’s is pausing Natively Digital: Glitch-ism to redress the imbalance in representation within the sale, and will relaunch with a more equitable and diverse group of artists at a later date,” read a Tweet by Sotheby’s Metaverse published Sunday. Artist Patrick Amadon announced Sunday on Twitter that he was pulling his artwork from the sale in “solidarity” with female and queer glitch artists. He was the only artist to do so. Details on Art News.
Historian says Eiffel Tower may have inspired Van Gogh’s Starry Night

An art historian has a new theory about the source of inspiration behind Vincent van Gogh’s iconic painting Starry Night. James Hall, a professor at Southampton University and former art critic for The Guardian says the Eiffel Tower had a significant influence on the artist’s series of paintings of cypress trees based on how the monument was unveiled. Hall argues that the opening of the wrought-iron structure in Paris in 1889 came with a spectacular late-night show of pyrotechnics, electric light, and explosions. According to Hall’s theory, the vision was repeated in the “pyrotechnical music of the stars, sky and clouds” of van Gogh’s painting. Starry Night was produced by van Gogh during his incarceration in an asylum near Saint-Rémy in southern France. The cypress trees portrayed in his paintings have been interpreted “as an exploration of abstraction or a mystical evocation of nature”. Read more on The Guardian.
French protestors block entrance to the Louvre amid nationwide strike

The mass protests across France over a new policy that raises the retirement age reached the Louvre on Monday, as a crowd blocked the museum’s entrance, leaving tourists frustrated. The peaceful demonstrators gathered outside the Paris museum’s glass pyramid, singing and wielding banners that read “Work less to live more” and “Museums mobilized against the pension reform.” Several Louvre employees reportedly joined the protest. Speaking into a microphone, a tour guide who didn’t appear to be affiliated with the Louvre attempted to explain what was happening to the tourists, some of whom had purchased time-sensitive tickets. “You are here to see the Mona Lisa,” she said in a video shared by the Independent. “But now are you experiencing something much more interesting than the Louvre—you are experiencing the French protest.” Details on Reuters.