Recently, ICA Gallery Residency, Faridabad showcased a performance by Mahima Freya Krishna in an evening that featured Art, culture and connection. Mahima, known for her expressive and graceful style took the audience into rhythm, emotion, and storytelling without words through her mesmerising Sufi dance. Every viewer was entranced by her portrayal of the “seven stages of love,” a journey that resonated deeply. The evening was further bolstered by the wonderful Madhvi Advani, who coordinated the event and art patron Mitch Crites who offered great tips to better our experience. Guests enjoyed carefully curated cocktails and authentic Rajasthani cuisine complementing the atmosphere and culture of the event Resident artists hung their work in the gallery space that added a visual depth to the evening. The special evening showcased the ICA Gallery’s dedication to supporting artistic pursuits and cultural celebration, leaving guests with memories of a night truly magical.