
#instaart: Applying printmaking technique to enhance art on social media

It might be called ‘The Gram’, but it’s worth a TON of exposure. Instagram has always been all about visual impact, and it’s where you find some of the finest artists in the world today, from the heavyweights to the hidden talent. Abir Pothi embarks on a series that will highlight the best of Instagram artists we manage to discover — those whose artistry you could take an ‘Insta-nt’ liking to!


The building blocks and the horizontal vertical lines in papercut and linocut displays the artwork of the UK based artist Callum Russell. The page is filled up with the designs of buildings in various mediums by printmaking technique.


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A post shared by Callum Russell Printmaker (@cal_russell)



Printmaking technique in portraits. Portraits of people of various shades and showing a peculiar characteristic on their face. Displaying moods and nature of a person, Kevin Clinton beautifully showcases the details using the technique of printmaking.


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A post shared by Kevin Clinton (@kevinclintonprints)


Printmaking of bokeh. Seems interesting and fascinating too. The instagram page of Stephen Magsig displays his works in printmaking around bokeh.


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\’Artwork inspired from nature\’, describes Becky Paterson in his insta page. An artist an a printmaker whose artworks depicts his love for the nature. His bio gets along as a perfect cherry on the cake with the posts. 


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A post shared by Becky Paterson (@fourpeasinapod7)