
Jean-François Millet: Master of Realism in Art and “The Gleaners”


Jean-François Millet, a 19th-century French artist, remains a celebrated figure in the world of art, known for his contributions to the Realism movement. This article explores the life, art, and enduring legacy of Jean-François Millet, with a particular focus on his iconic painting “The Gleaners.”

Jean-François Millet - Wikipedia
Jean-François Millet – Courtesy: Wikipedia

1. The Life and Works of Jean-François Millet

Jean-François Millet, born in 1814 in Normandy, France, was a pivotal figure in the Realism movement. He had a deep connection to rural life and its struggles, which strongly influenced his art. Millet’s art reflects his passion for capturing the everyday lives of peasants, their toils, and their connection to the land.

2. Jean-François Millet’s Art Style

Millet’s art style is characterised by its commitment to depicting reality. His paintings feature earthy tones and a focus on the human figure, highlighting the dignity and resilience of the rural working class. His dedication to portraying the truth of rural life sets him apart as a master of Realism.

File:Jean-François Millet - Potato Planters - Google Art Project.jpg - Wikipedia
Jean-François Millet – Potato Planters -Courtesy: Google Art Project.

3. Iconic Jean-François Millet Paintings

Millet’s portfolio boasts an impressive array of paintings, each telling a unique story of rural life. Some of his renowned works include “The Angelus,” “The Sower,” and “The Potato Planters.” These paintings continue to be admired for their powerful portrayal of the human experience.

4. “The Gleaners” by Jean-François Millet

“The Gleaners” is arguably Jean-François Millet’s most famous work. Created in 1857, it portrays three women stooping to gather leftover wheat after the harvest. The painting is an iconic representation of the dignity of labor and the strength of the human spirit. “The Gleaners” has not only made a significant impact on the art world but also sparked discussions on social and economic issues of the time.

Jean-Francois Millet's The Gleaners on ArtEx on galleryIntell
Jean-Francois Millet’s The Gleaners on ArtEx on galleryIntell

5. Millet’s Influence on Art

Jean-François Millet’s commitment to Realism and his deep connection to the rural working class have left a lasting imprint on the art world. His work served as a significant influence on later artists, including Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet. Millet’s dedication to capturing the essence of rural life inspired a new era in art, and his legacy endures.


The works of Jean-François Millet, especially his masterwork “The Gleaners,” continue to serve as a monument to the potency of realism and the ability to convey the human condition. His place in art history has been assured by his capacity to see the beauty in the commonplace and the dignity in labour. Artists, art enthusiasts, and others who are interested in the human stories portrayed in Millet’s paintings continue to be influenced and inspired by his work. His dedication to realism and depiction in the arts has left a strong and lasting legacy in the field of fine art.

Feature Image:

Jean-Francois Millet | Rest after work, 1866 | Museum of Fine Arts, Boston