
‘ON PUROSE’ Exhibition at Vadehra Art Gallery: Exploring the Interplay of Visual and Written Expressions

Tsuktiben Jamir

The Vadehra Art Gallery is a contemporary is a New Delhi-based contemporary art gallery that was established in 1987. The gallery’s ongoing group exhibition titled ‘On Purpose’ delves into the intricacies and cross-disciplinary nature of the connection between the written word and visual expressions. Through this exhibition, the gallery thus embarks on exploring the literary practice of ekphrasis, unearthing the depths of this relationship.

The Vadehra Art Gallery explains this term as, “Ekphrasis refers to the rhetoric construction and interpretation of a visual impression, object or scene in the form of the written word. Often vivid and dramatic, ekphrastic writing offers detailed descriptions of art forms, either real or imagined, and in a more nuanced sense, connects personal ideology with collective structures. From the emotionally resonant, tumultuous reading of Van Gogh’s most famous painting in Anne Sexton’s ‘Starry, Starry Night’ to a philosophically curious yet descriptive meditation of one of Parmigianino’s self-portraits in John Ashbery’s ‘Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror’, literature has long-turned upon the arts as an inquiry of the beautiful and the sacred in trying to decipher the perplexities of the human condition through our relationships with and representations of the world.”

The exhibition opened its doors to the public on the 27th of May, 2023 and is set to continue till the 28th of June, 2023. The collection offers an extraordinary ensemble of prominent figures in Indian contemporary art and literature. This convergence seamlessly weaves diverse forms of artistic expressions, such as painting, photography, sculpture, poetry, and prose, offering a captivating amalgamation of creative endeavours. Some of these names are Anju Dodiya, Sunil Gupta, N.S. Harsha, Sudhir Patwardhan, and Ranbir Kaleka, among many others.

This unique exhibition poses an intriguing ekphrastic challenge to a diverse group of young writers who wield significant cultural influence, igniting a fusion of literary and visual realms. Moreover, it dares to experiment with the cognitive aspects of “reading” and “seeing” art within the gallery space, fostering an immersive experience for creators and observers.

The gallery writes, “Despite the tactility of etymological definitions of technology, today’s apprehension takes on a more cybernetic character. The changing nature of creation and consumption is prompting fundamental shifts in our thinking, and practices that were once at the helm of human progress have taken on a nostalgic aura. The labour of thinking and making must be re-centred in concentration – on purpose.”

It forges a dialogue between different artistic mediums by challenging young writers to interpret and respond to the artwork. ‘On Purpose’ becomes a sanctuary where the human experience merges with artistic representation, inviting visitors to partake in a transcendent journey of self-reflection and creative exploration.

Exhibition Dates:

27th May- 28th June, 2023


Vadehra Art Gallery,

D-53 Defence Colony, New Delhi