Adolf Hitler, infamous for his role in history as the dictator of Nazi Germany, also had a lesser-known passion for art. During his early years in Vienna from 1908 to 1913, Hitler immersed himself in painting, hoping to earn a living through his artwork. Despite his ambitions, he faced little commercial success, often struggling to sell his paintings and postcards. Adolf Hitler’s art provides a paradoxical insight into his early aspirations and artistic expressions. While his paintings capture a range of landscapes and architectural marvels like “Penzing – St. Rochus Kapelle” and “Hohe Burg,” they also prompt reflection on the intersection of art, history, and moral judgment. Following is the photo gallery of some of his Artworks:
1. Schloss Belvedere
2. Farewell to the Huntsman, oil on canvas, 1914
3. Neuschwanstein Castle
4. Hohe Burg, 1909
5. Neuschwanstein Castle
6. Penzing – St. Rochus Kapelle, 1912 (Chapel of St. Roch, Vienna)
7. Munich town hall
8. Pencil drawing
9. Pencil Drawing
10. Alpenhof
11. Morgen am Bergsee, 1908
12. Die Karlskirche in Winter
13. Blumen-Arrangement
14. Prague in the Fog
15. Roma. S. Giovanni in Laterano, 1910–1912 (Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran)