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born on this day

Rayonism’s Revolutionary Spark: Celebrating the Artistic Vision of Mikhail Larionov on His Birthday

Iftikhar Ahmed 3rd June 2023. ON THIS DAY On this day, we observe the birthday of the renowned Russian artist, Mikhail Larionov. In this section, we take a moment to reflect upon Larionov’s extraordinary contributions to the world of art, his distinctive style, and his enduring influence on the art community. Born on 3

Rayonism’s Revolutionary Spark: Celebrating the Artistic Vision of Mikhail Larionov on His Birthday Read More »

Art that glows golden for over a century — celebrating Gustav Klimt\’s birthday

July 14, On This Day Born on July 14, 1862, Austrian symbolist painter Gustav Klimt is more than just a well-known name in the history of art. His shimmering gold leaf-flecked iconic artworks — one of the most famous being the enduring \’The Kiss\’ — have been looked upon as objects of immense beauty and

Art that glows golden for over a century — celebrating Gustav Klimt\’s birthday Read More »