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From Aristocracy to Artefact: Introduction to Kolkata’s Bhadralok Culture

The bhadraloks built their reputation for having a certain evolved sense of the world -Hindol Sengupta/ fortuneindia.com Bhadralok Culture The existence of aristocratic strata within Kolkata’s cultural milieu highlights a legacy characterised by influence and refinement or so it seems. The Bhadralok culture may have sprung up in the 19th century and established a great […]

From Aristocracy to Artefact: Introduction to Kolkata’s Bhadralok Culture Read More »

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak asks “Can the Subaltern Speak?”

Manjeera February 24, ON THIS DAY And she answers it as well, declaring that the “subaltern cannot speak”, in her 1988 essay. Within today’s neo-colonized world, an important question arises when it comes to the topic of representation of the marginalized. At the center of this discussion is Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, hailed as one of

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak asks “Can the Subaltern Speak?” Read More »