6 Unknown Facts About Henri Matisse

Andre Gennie

31 December 2024

1. Henri Matisse became the leader of Fauvism on the back of an art critic’s comment calling Henri Matisse and other artists “Fauves” or wild beasts in French.

2. He was the first painter to create large-scale cut paper collages, which he termed as “Painting with Scissors”.

3. He also had a small Art School in Paris which he ran for about three years.

4. Artist Henri Matisse published a book on September 30, 1947, named “Jazz”, containing prints of his colourful cut paper collages, accompanied by written thoughts.

5. At the age of 21, when down with appendicitis and having nothing to do, he discovered the painter within himself.

6. While living in Vence, France, at the Villa Le Reve in the 1940s, Matisse had three cats Minouche, Coussi, and La Puce whom he fed pieces of brioche every morning.