
How to Draw Captain America: Just Another Kid From Brooklyn

Did you consume Marvel’s universe as frantically as we did? Are you a fan of the legendary Avenger, Captain America? Do you want to learn how to draw this iconic superhero? If the answer to all three questions were affirmative we’ve got you covered. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the entire process of full body Captain America drawing, from his classic shield to his heroic stance. Just as Steve Rogers “can do this all day,” so can we. So let’s get started and make a beautiful yet powerful Captain America drawing.

How To Draw Captain America

Captain America is the defacto leader of the Avengers. He is the harbinger of truth and justice. Hence, we must do Captain America pencil drawing justice too. But before you can capture this iconic character from the MCU, you need to prepare. Let’s take a look at the steps.

Courtesy – Nerdist

STEP 1: Gather Your Materials

Before you begin making Captain America drawings, make sure you have all the necessary materials. You would need drawing sheets, erasers, rulers, coloured pencils or markers, and pencils. If you wish to go all out, you can run to your local stationary shop and acquire an ‘unauthorised’ Captain America drawing pencil.

Courtesy – Artists Network

In addition, print out a few reference Captain America drawing images. These images may denote the Avengers Captain America drawing from the 2012 movie; Captain America cartoon drawing from the comics or animated series; and/or Captain America Civil War drawing, as there are discernable differences between the suits. Once you have everything you need, find a comfortable and well-lit workspace to start your Captain America drawing.

STEP 2: Outline the Captain America Drawing

You cannot make a full body Captain America drawing without outlining the basic shapes. The line drawing will serve as a framework for Captain America’s body. Begin with an oval for his head and a larger oval or an oblong shape for his torso. Add simple lines to indicate the position of his arms and legs. Remember, at this stage, it’s all about getting the proportions right, so don’t worry too much about details.

Courtesy – Steem It

STEP 3: Refine the Outline

Now that your basic outline of the Captain America drawing is ready, you must refine the elements. Using a slightly darker pencil, add a definition to his muscles and limbs. We all know that Captain America is a certified ‘gym-bro,’ so don’t shy away from adding more muscle mass. Refine the outline of Captain America shield drawing. The shield must be positioned in front of his body at an angle. Additionally, take note of the shield’s curvature. You must refer to the Captain America drawing image for accuracy.

Courtesy VideoGameArt&Tidbits via X

STEP 4: Captain America Drawing Face

Once the details have been added, we can focus on the most crucial part of this project AKA Captain America face drawing. Draw a horizontal line a little above the middle of the oval to mark the placement of his eyes. Then, sketch his eyes, nose, and mouth in the oval. Captain America’s face is covered by a distinct mask or what appears to be a facekini. Incorporate that into your Captain America face drawing. Don’t forget the iconic ‘Asymbol on his forehead. 

Courtesy – Easy Drawing Tutorials

STEP 5: Detailing Full Body Captain America Drawing

Now that the Captain America face drawing is finished, you are left with the refined outlines of his body. A full body Captain America drawing is intricate, solely due to the textures and colours involved in his costume, which goes from the neck down to the toes. Based on the Captain America drawing image, meticulously draw the patterns on his suit, including the star in the centre of his chest and the stripes on his abdomen. 

Courtesy – Pinterest

STEP 6: Captain America Shield Drawing

Rarely does Captain America appear in the comics or the screen without his most iconic accessory – the shield. Thus, you must tackle Captain America shield drawing with dedication. Begin by sketching a large circle for the shield’s outer edge. Then, draw three concentric circles for the inner rim. Add the star emblem in the innermost circle, making sure it’s proportionate to the size of the shield. Finally, draw the straps on the back of the shield to complete the look. 

Courtesy – ArtStation

STEP 7: Shading

Once you’re satisfied with the overall composition of the Captain America pencil drawing, it’s time to shade and detail your drawing. Use a variety of pencil grades to create depth and dimension, focusing on areas of shadow and highlight. Pay attention to light sources to make your drawing appear more realistic. Ensure that you address the different textures appropriately, as showcased in the chosen Captain America drawing image.

Courtesy – Deviant Art

STEP 8: Captain America Drawing With Colour

Even though it is a Captain America pencil drawing, it would be a gross injustice if we didn’t use colours. Although a shaded drawing is pleasant too, we prefer a Captain America drawing with colour. So bring out your coloured pencils or markers. Use bold reds, blues, and whites to bring his costume to life, and don’t forget to colour Captain America shield drawing in the signature colours of an American flag.

Courtesy – Art Avatar via YouTube

Et voila! Your Captain America drawing is complete. This Captain America drawing for kids will serve as the perfect amalgamation of the superhero genre and moral values of righteousness and truth. Whether you’re a kid or a kid at heart, creating your superhero artwork is always fun. So what are you waiting for? Grab your pencils, unleash your creativity, and let the hero within you shine in the form of an exquisite full body Captain America drawing.

Image Courtesy – Pioneer Press

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