
With These Ballpoint Pen Drawing Ideas, The Ball Will Always Be In Your Court

While coloured pencils or drawing pencils still give you a chance to rectify your mistakes (simply erase them with a kneaded eraser), pens of any kind are not forgiving. Once you have decided to use ink on paper, there is no room for mistakes. Even though it might seem intimidating, it must not stop you from using ballpoint pens. Ballpoint pen drawings may seem to be extremely laborious and intense (which truth be told they are), but every artist begins somewhere. Therefore, we bring to you simple ballpoint pen drawing ideas, which will help you warm up to the idea of ballpoint pens.

Ballpoint Pen Drawings Of Flowers

Making a floral centrepiece is a time-consuming task when compared to making ballpoint pen drawings of flowers. Take inspiration from the myriad colours and styles of flowers around you. Captivate your audiences with intricate details and graceful strokes, effortlessly capturing the delicate beauty of petals and leaves. 

Courtesy – Meerkatsu Art

Abstract Ballpoint Pen Drawings

Prove your mastery over abstraction by making abstract ballpoint pen drawings. Challenge traditional notions of representation and embrace spontaneity and experimentation. Since you don’t have to worry about the traditional geometry of the subjects (or even the subjects), you can explore your imagination and emotions. Use fluid lines, dynamic shapes, and bold gestures to evoke movement, rhythm, and stature.

Courtesy – Jennifer Mullin

Realistic Ballpoint Pen Drawing

If you have already and successfully tackled the ballpoint pen drawing for beginners, challenge yourself with realistic ballpoint pen drawings. They are known for being meticulously detailed and lifelike portrayals of subjects. Create intricate textures, subtle shading, and precise contours, making them come to life. This is the time when you use the techniques of hatching, cross-hatching, and stippling to achieve depth and dimension. You may even compare your artwork to these ballpoint pen artists.

Courtesy – Pinterest

Best Ballpoint Pens For Drawing

Now that we have given you some easy ballpoint pen drawing projects (and some extremely advanced ones), you might wonder what the best drawing ballpoint pens look like. Without further adieu to your glorious masterpiece, we present to you a list of tried and tested, exceptionally good ballpoint pens for drawing.

Rotring 600 Ball Pens

The lightweight metal structure of a Rotring 600 Ballpoint Pen makes it the best ballpoint pen for drawing. The ink is skip-free and has little blobbing, and its 1.0 mm tips work well for both creating minute details and shading broad areas. The ink is neither emulsive nor low viscosity. You can apply light or heavy pressure to adjust the ink’s darkness. There is also a multi-pen version of this design if you enjoy blending ink colours in your artwork.

Courtesy – Reddit

Uni-Ball Jetstream RT

The Uni-ball Jetstream RT is one of the best ballpoint pens for drawing. It dries quickly, so you don’t have to worry about smudging. Thanks to its ‘hybrid’ ink, the pen produces the darkest lines and the ink flows out smoothly and evenly without skipping. It’s water-resistant, fade-resistant, and formulated to resist check washing, too. The pen comes in two tip widths (0.7 mm and 1.0 mm) and a variety of colours.

Courtesy – Uni-Ball

Copic Multiliner

The Copic Multiliner is undoubtedly a great ballpoint pen for drawing, made of exceptionally high quality. The ink produces sharp, clean lines and is highly pigmented. It also adheres well on paper. Although Copic Multiliners are available in a variety of thicknesses, we believe that the 1.0 mm tip width works best. Still, you can choose the option that best fits your artistic style. Even at the finest sizes, they are not scratchy and are pleasant to use. Furthermore, these pens are refillable. 

Courtesy – Mega Pencil

Image Courtesy – Staedtler

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